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 New Lift Directive 2014/33/EC

It was recently published the new lift directive, 2014/33 / EC, which will replace Directive 95/16 / EC as amended by 2006/42 / EC. The new lift directive does not upset the system of 95/16 / EC but it aligns the text to the structure of the directives of the most recent issue and express some better arguments.
The application of this new directive, states that "This Directive shall enter into force on the twentieth day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union" [April 18, 2014, .from]. Directive 95/16 / EC does not cease to have effect immediately but is repealed with effect from 20 April 2016. In fact, the Member States have two years (by 19 April 2016) to adopt and publish the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with the new directive. Until that time (April 19, 2016) all the lifts and safety components placed on the market in accordance with Directive 95/16 / EC shall be properly marketed.

 Main differences and news

  • In the definitions and expressions are subject not in the Directive 95/15 / EC but who have long been in use among the experts:

  • authorized representative means a natural or legal person established within the Union who has received by an installer or a manufacturer with a written mandate authorizes to act on his behalf in relation to specified tasks;
  • Importer: the natural or legal person established within the Union who places on the Union market a safety component for lifts originating in a third country;
  • distributor: the natural or legal person present in the supply chain, other than the manufacturer or the importer, which makes available on the market a safety component for lifts;
  • technical specification: a document that prescribes technical requirements that a lift or a safety component for lifts must meet;
  • Accreditation: Accreditation as defined in Article 2, Section 10 of Regulation (EC) 765/2008;
  • national accreditation body: national accreditation referred to in Article 2, paragraph 11 of Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008 (in Italy is Accredia);
  • conformity assessment: the process demonstrating compliance with the essential health and safety of this Directive relating to a lift or a safety component for lifts;
  • conformity assessment body: a body that performs conformity assessment activities, including calibration, testing, certification and inspection;
  • Recall: in relation to a lift any measure aimed at achieving the dismantling and safe disposal of an elevator; in connection with a safety component for lifts any measure aimed at achieving the return of a safety component for lifts that has already been made available to the installer or the end user;
  • withdrawal means any measure aimed at preventing the making available on the market of a safety component for lifts in the supply chain;
  • Union harmonization legislation: the Union legislation harmonizing the conditions for the marketing of products;
  • CE mark is a mark by which the installer or the manufacturer indicates that the lift or safety component for lifts is in compliance with the applicable requirements set out in Union harmonization legislation providing for its affixing.

For all stakeholders are made explicit obligations. Among other things for the installer of the lift and the manufacturer of the safety component provides guidance on corrective measures to be taken in case of non-compliance and reporting of non-compliance and corrective actions to the national authorities.

In particular, the manufacturer of the safety component is required to take immediate corrective measures necessary to bring the safety component for lifts, to withdraw it or recall it, as appropriate, if you have reason to believe that the component Security for lifts placed on the market is not in conformity with the Directive.

Chapter IV is devoted to the notifying authority and the notification of Notified Bodies.

Chapter V, is interested in "Union market surveillance, controls on the lifts or safety components for lifts entering the Union market and safeguard procedure Union" This chapter explained concepts concerning the Supervision of Union market and controls on the lifts or safety components for lifts entering the Union market, how to approach (procedure) at national level to the lifts or safety components for lifts that present risks, the safeguard procedure at Union level, the mode of action in the case of lifts or safety components for lifts complying posing risks.

The conformity assessment procedures are not distorted but change attachments reference: for example the current Annex V - EC-Type Examination (Module B) becomes Annex IV in the new directive, the current Annex VI - Final exam becomes Annex V in the new directive, the current Annex X - Testing a single product (Form G) becomes Annex VIII in the new directive, and so on.

Note that in the annexes to Directive 95/16 / EC, Annex III (CE marking) and Annex VII (Minimum criteria to be observed by Member States for the notification of bodies) no longer appear (l 'Annex III has been passed enacting the new Directive 2014/33 / EU, as well as Annex VII, although with substantial modifications).

Annex II "Statement of compliance" with the presence of an integration for the contents of these fundamental documents accompanying the components of security and elevators: the date and signature, such that information in the current Directive 95/16 / EC does not appear explicitly. In fact, about the signer, Annex II of Directive 95/16 / EC currently specifies that among the contents of declarations of conformity are present the "identification of the signatory authorized to engage the manufacturer of the safety components or his authorized representative established in Community "and" identification of the signatory empowered to act on the installer. "

The current Annex IV - List of safety components referred to in Article 1, / paragraph 1, and Article 8, / paragraph 1, and Annex III of the new Directive lifts see the presence of three changes:

1.The first concerns the second point: while in the text of the Directive 95/16 / EC indicates the "parachute devices referred to in paragraph 3.2 of Annex I to prevent the car from falling or unchecked upward movements", in the new 2014 / 33 / EU are given, always in step 2, the "devices falls referred to in Section 3.2 of Annex I to prevent the car from falling or uncontrolled movements", disappearing then the word "ascending" provided in the "old" lift directive.
2.The second change is the point 4 of the English version of the directives, where the Annex IV of Directive 95/16 / EC speaks of "Energy-accumulating (or dissipating) shock absorbers" while the English version of the 2014/33 / EU, to 'Annex III, speaks of "Energy-accumulating (or dissipating) buffers. This change of the English version, with the transition from the term" shock absorber "to the term" buffer ", no reference is made in the Italian version, since the text of the two guidelines published in the OJEU is the same (shock).
3.Finally Section 6: in the current text of the Directive 95/16 / EC indicates the "electrical safety function of safety switches containing electronic components" and in the new 2014/33 / EU are shown, always to the point, the "electric safety devices with the function of safety circuits with electronic components", with the presence and then the term "circuits" in place of the term "switches".